church goer

A Chat with McKenna

On our way home from work yesterday my daughter, McKenna, and I had a chat about church and committing to attending on a regular basis. Not only services but events and activities as well.
This conversation started because of events I plan for our youth group at church and the challenge I have in getting people to respond to whether or not they are going to be attending. My comments and frustrations are not directed towards any one person…this is an issue I have found to be true about any event I plan. Work, church, weddings…doesn’t really matter.

I was raised in a home where we were at church every Sunday morning & evening and every Wednesday night. If there were other activities going on during the week we were there. I was raised by parents who taught me that committing to church attendance was important and being in fellowship with God’s people was important. They also made it clear that church attendance was not a requirement for God to love me or for my entrance into Heaven. We were known to skip a Sunday now and then. I know that God will not condemn me if I am not in my seat at church every week.
I miss it when I am not there. I miss worship in song. I miss visiting with people and checking in with how they are doing. I miss out on being reminded of Who God is and why He is so fantastically wonderful!
I look forward to events and activities that give me the opportunity to experience more of Him! I look forward to getting to know more about God’s people! I look forward to fun!

I want my kids to feel the same way! All of it. Knowing that God has something for us at church! Knowing that we need God’s people and they need us! Knowing that God will not condemn us if we skip a Sunday! Missing it when we aren’t there! Looking forward to experiencing Him! I want them to pass that on to their children!

School, sports and city clubs can not offer you or your family what your church can. It’s true. School is important. Church is more important. Sports are important. Church is more important. Theatre, travel, family time is important. Having your family involved and committed to a church body is more important.

If you are reading this and you don’t have a church family, I urge you to find one! If you just so happen to live in the Sachse Texas area please visit me at Waterbrook Bible Fellowship. We would love to have you!